Tuesday, 29 March 2011

not buying curtains

For over a year, the bloke next door has been getting an eyeful everytime I trot to the toilet or make coffee first thing in the morning.  On top of this, the light that shines all day and night from their landing window (I'm going on a raid one of these days armed with an energy efficient bulb), I could read by.

For the sake of neighbourly friendliness (though I am sure that the guy next door likes it really), I am making blinds.  This is Something New.  I have dabbled with alterations, the odd cushion, but a) I have never used lining material, b) don't have an ironing board.  I am assured by the scary instructions that both are necessary. Also, c) I am craaaaaaap at DIY.

I already had blind paraphernalia from a previous (uncompleted) project.  Yesterday I found a couple of great pieces of fabric in a antiques shop, (both large enough for several blinds) which I got for a tenner.  Bargain.

Last night I cut them out.  Tonight, after ironing and pinning, I realised how badly I did this (I poorly employed the 'ripping not cutting' approach).  Having completed most of the pinning, I have just tipped all of the pins on the the floor.  There was about 200.  I haven't dared look under the table yet, I have just poured myself a gin and will do it when I am about half way down the glass.  I suspect I will be finding the pins for another year.

Anyhoo - 2 blinds using stuff from the cupboards, and vintage material costing me a fiver - I reckon that's a win for both de-cluttering AND recycling.  IF I ever finish them.

plink plink sluuuurp


  1. Spoil sport!! First you stop his dog crapping in his garden and now this ;-)
